Brookhaven National Laboratories
Brookhaven, NY
Owner-Brookhaven National Laboratory
Designer-The Louis Berger Group, Inc., East Orange, NJ
In 2004, the Dawson Corporation was hired by Louis Berger Associates to restore 16 acres of the headwaters of the Peconic River at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The soils were contaminated over the past half-century, and a Environmental contractor was brought in to excavate and remove the contaminated soil. Under Berger’s guidance, Dawson salvaged plants from disturbed areas and stored them in makeshift nurseries; later returning them to the site after remediation was completed. The project was accomplished in two phases over two years.
Project cost: $302,104
Client Reference:
Contact: Ed Samanns The Louis Berger Group, Inc., 973-678-1960
Client Reference:
Contact: Ed Samanns The Louis Berger Group, Inc., 973-678-1960
Start: 6/08/04
Comp: 5/31/05
Comp: 5/31/05